Reality TV show The Block NZ is currently airing season five of the show, where four sets of contestants battle to win first place by renovating an old Auckland home. The 2016 season tasks the teams with renovating a 1980’s townhouse located in the East Auckland suburb of Meadowbank. The brief is to create an environmentally friendly, energy efficient and sustainable home.
The Block team which obtains the greatest profit on their house come auction day will win the grand prize money of $100,000. Every team will also be rewarded with any profits they make above their house reserve price, but only the team with the greatest profit on auction day will win the additional prize money.
This year The Block sees a different variation on the teams with a Girls Vs Boys challenge. Each team is made up of two friends of the same sex, with half the contestants being women and the other half men. Furthermore the teams are on a geographically even keel with all of the contestants living outside of Auckland and therefore having no local knowledge as an advantage over others.
Each week the contestants are required to renovate a particular area of the house with a specific brief over certain design or functional features. In addition the teams have a variety of challenges wedged in between renovating, usually offering a coveted cash injection or prize for the house.
OceanWeave have proudly sponsored the outdoor week with a challenge that will see one lucky set of contestants win $8,000 worth of premium outdoor furniture. Contestants will get to visit the OceanWeave showroom and select their prize which will be delivered ready for room reveal.
Season five of the The Block NZ began airing Sunday 29th of May on TV3 and will be wrapped up in August 2016. More details of The Block NZ can be found online at TV3’s website.